Building upon the success of Ford Trustmark in North America, an aggressive rollout strategy and prototypical facility design standards were implemented across the Asia Pacific & Africa Region, with a special emphasis on China and India.
Our dedicated team of architects and designers focused on regionalizing the prototypical program by visiting various regions and countries to fully understand the requirements specific to each. In a period of one month, the prototype was fully translated for execution in key countries including China, India, and Thailand. The rollout process for each International project consists of electronic communication to review the project requirements with key stake holders such as Ford AP&A Regional Personnel and local project management company. At this time, programming and schematic design are established. After the initial communication and gathering of site-specific information, the development of design intent drawings and renderings for the dealer’s use are prepared. Over the course of the program, Eview 360 has successfully executed over 100 facility actions in the Asia Pacific & Africa Region, delivering to each its own set of DIDs.
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